Sunday 22 July 2012

TCJpart74 Spike Milligan


Soldier Freddy
was never ready,
But! Soldier Neddy,
unlike Freddy
Was always ready
and steady,

That's why,
When Soldier Neddy
Is-outside-Buckingham-Palace-on-guard-in -the-pouring-wind-and-rain-being-steady-and-ready ,
is home in beddy. 

Spike Milligan

This morning, I noticed the boys lying down asleep in their stables on the ponycam monitor, as I left the house, I grabbed my phone to take a sneaky shot of them.

Henry, like soldier Neddy, being always ready and (never) steady was up on his feet before I even entered the yard!
Tom, thought it best to stay where he was, soldier Freddy at home in beddy, because in all likelihood breakfast would come to him! He was right.

I love Spike Miligan poems, and as I was sweeping up the yard the scenario reminded me of this poem.

Blimey!! TCJ is getting all poetic!!

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