Tuesday 12 June 2012


The grass is growing faster than is usual for this time of year.  The rain and warm weather combination is perfect conditions for the green stuff to flourish!! But it's not all good news although your horse might dissagree...beware all the extra sugar your horse now has access to, too much can be bad for him, and I don't just mean his waistline!

Be careful out there people - your horse will have lots of grass to eat and you might want to restrict how much grazing he actually gets.

Please remember Laminitis can strike any horse at any time of year, whatever age, whatever breed - please be careful.  Regularly check his waistline and call your vet if you suspect he may have it, his hooves will feel very warm and his pulse will be elevated if he does and immediate treatment from your vet might prevent the need for prolonged care and more importantly, stop his pain.

You can check the rate of grass growth using your lawn as a guide!!

Stay safe and healthy.

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