Olympic Tickets...and the run-up to the eventing.
...the anticipation has finally got me. When I thought I might get 2 tickets to the final day of the eventing, the showjumping...I calmly waited, not to assume until the pieces of official invite papers lie in my hot little hand.
This attitude I learned from my Dad: never expect anything then you'll never be disappointed. I did a lot of showjumping as a kid, so naturally I'll be giving John a blow-by-blow about 3 faults versus 4 faults, time penalties and whether I'd have gone inside that line for a faster time....he'll be so interested!! (it's pay-back for the off-side rule!).
But the time has come, the tickets are here, via tracked Royal Mail, and I can't help the feeling that John and I are about to witness the single most important equestrian event, on our home soil, of all time. Except those events back home at WW, T&H related!
We have the strongest team we have ever had, with fantastically talented horses, Tom & Henry were washing their hair that day.
They'll be used to the venue, it's on home turf so acclimatising wont be a problem, the horses wont have to travelled very far either.
Relaxed and happy, and the fittest they've ever been, we stand a greater than good chance of medals.
A female strong team for the eventing, I find myself excited to see Mary King again. John and I stood next to her Auntie at Burghley and cheered her past the finishing line - amazing, we clapped and shouted so hard, a tear came to our eyes as she passed us all happy and cuddling her horse still galloping along..

Tom & Henry will of course be cheering on Team GB as they lounge around in the shade with a cool drink at home, or playing a game in their fields. Glad it's not they who have to get up early, brush their hair and perform in front of the worlds press.
No, my 2 will be at 'The Paddock', a trendy retreat for gorgeous horses, it's where they stay during the hot spells, it's a very classy establishment, breakfast in bed, the works!
By the time you read this, it'll be almost time to go. Greenwich Park final day of the team eventing. Can't wait....
..and T&H, they'll be resting up, chilling out, galloping around and having an Olympic breakfast!
If there was a stay-at-home-event for the most gorgeous Trakehners..T&H would have to share joint gold!
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