Wednesday 19 March 2014

another weekend on Instagram...

Instagram, it's a new addiction...
Tom and Henry are quite possibly the most photographed horses on the planet, I kid you not. when a friend told me about Instagram I naturally jumped at the chance to share my beloved boys with a wider audience - whether they were ready for us or not!

I have 'met' so many interesting and devoted equine keepers, it's a joy to use it.

Now, i am slow to social media, i don't do facebook or tweet, like my husband - but sharing beautiful and amusing stories and pictures about Tom and Henry, well, they're just such an easy subject to write about!

So almost a year into Instagram Tom & Henry have over 700 'followers', and because its the photos that lead to dialogue, its just quicker/easier than a blog.

I simply take my phone everywhere, document all crazy stuff, funny stuff, gorgeous stuff - and if your a regular on TCJ you'll know by now there's always a lot of that type of 'stuff' here.

It's a great way to ask questions, share dilemmas, resolve problems - because it's reach is global.  I have a buddy in Canada for eg, and she's naturally the best person to seek advice for cold weather tips.  another in California, she's key to hot weather problem solving.

's really friendly and if you don't like something, just hit the unfollow button, it couldn't be simpler.

I chat with a young girl in Newcastle who keeps a pony thats the same age as me - 45!! incredible, so getting important help from experts is really easy, and no one makes you feel like a fool.

.....give it a go, if nothing else, its a tremendous resource.

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