Friday 18 January 2013

Horse Lovers


Now regular visitors to TCJ blog will be well aware of the usual issues we discuss. 

Issues raised in a lighthearted fashion, mildly amusing but nothing too serious.

...but something happened this week which forced me to get political and put mouse to screen and write a post, apologies if this disturbs the usual TCJ vibe for you, I'll be back to normal once my rant is out, and Tom & Henry tales will prevail once more.

Unless you've been riding in outer space the last 2 days, you'll know that horse meat has been found in several of Tesco's foods. unspeakable as this obviously is, for us as horse lovers, and me as a vegetarian, if they put horses in lasagne's, who's to assure me there aren't any in the veggie version too?

I just don't trust them anymore and have moved my alliance straightaway to Waitrose, and judging by the speed of the site, I'm guessing most of the nation did too.  

Now of course Tom & Henry will let me know if the carrots and apples are acceptable, but I'm guessing they've got nothing to worry about.

Interestingly however, in the middle of a crisis in the horse world, with rescue centres filled to bursting, indiscriminate breeding and record breaking abandonment's, is this just an albeit extreme reaction to the state of our world of horses?

The burgers etc. were found to come from the UK, however disgusted you might be , as I am myself naturally, at least the poor animals haven't had to endure live transport for several days across Europe to be slaughtered.
...could we have predicted this? or even helped prevent this as an industry?

Right now I'm gazing at my own boys grazing in the frosty sunshine, thinking 'over my dead body', but, my message, if your interested, keep your own side of the street clean, do everything you can for your own horse, support horse charities, eat veggie.

Redwings need old rugs and equipment as well as donations, so you can support whatever your level of income.

...vegetarian Cannelloni anyone...? 


Waitrose carrots are top-notch, T&H approved x 

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