Friday 21 December 2012

init alright!

...and while I'm sitting at work slaving over a hot Mac, Tom and Henry are swanning around their fields all relaxed and happy, munching grass and generally getting fat and muddy...

...doesn't seem fair does it?

Yet, here we are, close to Xmas, and I can't wait to be at home over the holidays, spending some quality unhurried time with the boys, the cats and John...


... (if he gets his alien gun textured that is...see Diabolical the Shooter - his blog and game).

Tom & Henry have Xmas stockings and horse treats of course, I love them so much. roll-on Xmas, we can eat, nap and relax, all of us, we can't wait.  Colin has delivered an ample supply of logs for the fire and range, so we'll be snugly too.

Happy Holidays everyone, safe riding. 

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