Monday 9 April 2012

TCJpart45 ...another windy day


 Picture this:  today the weather is warm, about 12degrees, quite windy and the grass seeds have germinated where I sprinkled them.  It smells wonderful out here and the birds are singing.  It's raining, not 'proper' rain, but the lazy type that gently makes the air wet.  Tom & Henry are enjoying their breakfasts...when Colin drives past with his noisy trailer...

Colin our neighbour drives a Defender and tows a very large, noisy trailer.  He owns a livery yard at the other end of the village, and must drive that Land Rover with trailer past our house, past the horses, down the lane several times a day in all weathers (Land Rovers laugh at extreme weather).  This morning was no different, only this time Tom & Henry took a faked exception and spooked into the field!  Pretending they were scared as a trigger for playing.
I believe horses and cats share a common interest: cats play to practise catching and killing prey, horses play to practise running away.  And that's exactly what they did this morning.

Charging about, Tom letting out one of his loud snorts (that has at least once given him a nosebleed), Henry extending in trot, with his nose near the ground, swaying and swinging his head from side to side, twisting and turning, heads up, tails up and perfect in-sinc galloping.  Manes blowing in the wind behind them. I must remember to trim Henry's tail, it's getting long again...kicking up, rearing, Henry squealing and off again.

It doesn't matter what starts it, the result is always the same, a playful thundering of hooves, and a perfectly choreographed escape from invented foe..
Then it's all over as quickly as it began, and back to munching.

Oh, Happy Easter!

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