...let's get riding...
But since spring seems to be coming, lets make an effort to reconnect with our seat, and get riding again. No excuses!
Start slow, and short. Nothing high energy or tricky, or that could unnerve you or your horse.
Dribble feed, remember the scenery will have changed since you were last a team out there in the scary world, the trees are bare - he'll be able to see right through at grazing sheep for eg. The farmer might have trimmed his boundary, there'll be people cycling and dog walking too if the day is nice.
Your horse will need time to adjust too, especially if he's been out of work for a few months, there's nothing wrong with that, but don't jump on and try and start where you left off, be cool and calm. if you're in a rush - leave riding for another day, there's nothing wrong with that either.
If your worried at all, keep your ride short, don't overstretch yourself or your horse, end always on a positive note, come back safe and sound.
Make your rides a little longer each time, and add some slow trotting. I like transitionals on the road - walk - sitting trot - rising trot - and repeat, it keeps your horse engaged and starts building up both your fitness. ...and oh, do my leg ache the next day x
If I feel my horse is a little sharp and energetic on a particular day, I take him on my 'safe' ride, we all have them. It's just around the block, a simple circuit where nothing too scary happens (until the day it does!). Progress as you feel ready, don't let anyone push you beyond your comfort zone, ride alone if necessary - I do.
Have a great start to the season - be safe - wear hi-viz always. Remember, recent studies showed drivers spot the horses legs first - so put hi-viz wraps around all 4 legs too. ...and the yellow is 0.3seconds faster to spot than the pink!
keep your tack in excellent condition, make sure all the straps and leathers are safe, you don't want to be in a tricky situation and your stirrup leather come off!!
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