...and how even the professionals (and I mean the horses), aren't completely spook-proof!
Let me paint you a picture: we're at Greenwich Park in a temporary stadium built for the Olympics. The crowds are heaving and the atmosphere is electric, the wind has picked up, there are lots of new noises about for a horse to cope with, cheering, flag waving, incredible amount of clapping and some screaming (not just me), the screeching of the camera going over the arena on a wire, the score board making a whizzing noise, and everything else, plus the sights....again flag waving, umbrellas, a new venue and of course....weird jumps.

After the amazing spectacle of GB winning team silver at the 2012 London Olympics at Greenwich Park, and after we had all stopped crying with joy, the nations' favourite eventer Mary King explained that her horse, the amazing Imperial Cavalier, had spooked at the bronze lion that stood at the other end to the Nelson's Column at the Trafalgar jump, leaving him unsettled and not able to perform to his best.
...she clearly blamed herself, we all would too since it’s our job to protect our charges.
“Then, when they rang the bell he was a bit strong and nervous. I should have circled and calmed him down and then set off. Imperial Cavalier is the best horse I’ve ever had but he’s going to be too old for the next Olympics and whether any of my younger horses are going to be good enough to do better than him, only time will tell.”
Mary King and Cavalier are at the very pinnacle of professional riding, they train intensively and perform wonderfully together. A great team whom have faced tough courses together and have overcome difficult hurdles to be one of the most successful teams of all time.....
....if ‘Archie’ as he’s affectionately known spooks (and who’s blame him it was a lion!!!), what chances do us mere mortals have??

And thinking about it, it’s a wonder more horses didn’t spook at a lion for heavens sake, in the arena..., don't lions eat horses? aren't these big cats (whatever the colour of their fur) the horses natural enemy?

Of course they’re not going to be happy with it!!
A test indeed, well it is the Olympics after all. Well happy hacking, and watch out for lions....luckily we don't have any in WW!!!
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