Hello, what a fab blog! Having just read a book about Trakehners in Prussia at the end of WW2, I was having a root around, trying to find out more about them and discovered your blog and your GORGEOUS boys!!! Am going to pop this on my blog list. :D
Trakehners really are amazing creatures, and their harrowing history of 'The Trek' only makes them even more wonderful, because it demonstrates a strength of character and athleticism that's very rare.
Hello, what a fab blog! Having just read a book about Trakehners in Prussia at the end of WW2, I was having a root around, trying to find out more about them and discovered your blog and your GORGEOUS boys!!! Am going to pop this on my blog list. :D
Thank you Joy, for your lovely comments.
Trakehners really are amazing creatures, and their harrowing history of 'The Trek' only makes them even more wonderful, because it demonstrates a strength of character and athleticism that's very rare.
Plus they really do have the most amazing bums!
Hi again, Shelley, you are so right about their bums, wish mine was as shapely ;o)
I am so enjoying your blog, I have a little award for you over at my blog :D
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