Tuesday, 1 November 2011

TCJpart19 Horses are Good For You

...and how your hooved friends can help x

Horses are indeed the antidote for difficult times.  Just being around them has a calming, in-the-moment effect.  They can help achieve a sense of clarity at times when you feel anything but clear.

My Dad is currently in a coma.  No one can tell us what's wrong with him.  He's just got back from a cruise on the Queen Elizabeth with my Mum, they've been sailing around the Aegean and having a wonderful time.  Then suddenly he got very ill.

Tom & Henry are without a doubt helping me stay calm and keeping me focused.  Because you can't be anything else when you're with your horse. I think I would break if I didn't have those amazing Trakehners to talk to, those big brown eyes to look at and strong necks to hang on to. The one-way conversations, they just listen very well.

And the automatic repetition of doing the yard jobs too, gives me something to achieve without thinking too much, a walk around the fields to poo-pick, all helps. It's what I need.

Tom & Henry are my therapy.

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