Tuesday 14 January 2014

January news at WW

Tom&Henry ...

...and how they're not really interested in hedgerow planting until they can pull them out of the ground and run around the field with the plants, playing tug of war!!  True story, I often find the plants, root and all, with the bamboo cane and the rabbit proof tube far off in the fields....

January activity at WW has been mainly dedicated to planting more hedgerow: hawthorn, hornbeam, field maple and a few apple trees.  Tom and Henry are mostly disinterested, but they do like pulling the newly planted trees out of the ground and running about with them!

We had trees down in the storms, and a further cull of those likely to fall, so spaces in our boundary hedgerow gave me an opportunity to plant more trees.  Its hard work, but its all to improve the environment for Tom and Henry (they love to 'prune' the plants), and the wildlife too.

Here they watch as I load the wheelbarrow with the plants and equipment, did they offer to help?  I think you can guess the answer to that!

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