Wednesday, 18 February 2015

yoga for horses continued...

get stretching...

So, you've mastered the neck stretches.  All there is to do there, is lengthen the time of each stretch, a little at a time.  Please be gentle with your horse, he might not be as supple as mine, every horse is going to be different.


Last weekend we were at counts to five, by this weekend we were at ten.

Quite honestly, it all depends of the attention span of your horse, and how willing he is.  Mine have thoroughly enjoyed it.  


The next step are the shoulder and hamstring stretches, ...and Tom and Henry pick their feet up in readiness, they love any play that ends in a carrot.


Again, be gentle.  You'll be asking your horse to hold his legs up for a count of five - exactly the same way as the neck stretches.


This was very interesting, because both Tom and Henry were less supple on their right sides,  especially the back.  




So I was extra careful just how much stretch and for how long it did it.  I started with a one..two, and progressed to a count of five.





Anyway, its very entertaining, and a great way to do things with your horse on the ground, which if you are familiar with this account, I am wholeheartedly for. 




I do everything loose, I don't even put a head-collar on, and they're together, watching.  I find this is very comfortable way of doing new things with them.
Give it a go, it's fun.

Monday, 9 February 2015

the carrot stretch episode


Welcome to our new activity log

 Episode one: the fun to be had with 'carrot stretches' 

Firstly, we began on a crowded train with a copy of last months Horse & Rider, and a fun exercise to try with your horse.

secondly, stock-up on carrots, cut them into small chunks, you'll need lots.

Tom & Henry, happily, LOVE their food, and will go to extraordinary lengths to acquire it. 


If your own horse is not as easily captured in mind and body as mine, you may find his willingness to bend slightly trickier, but not impossible

 So, the article begins with some neck stretches, and since it was our first time, these are the ones we did this weekend.  We will certainly progress to the leg ones another time.  



The author suggested stretches which look quite simple, with a duration of 30 seconds 'hold'.  


...but 30 seconds is actually a very long time for a horse, so, whilst we may progress to longer lengths of time, taken in stages, over time, we certainly didn't think is was fair to ask the boys to hold a bend for that long.  Henry doesn't even like standing still for that long, so job one, its supposed to be fun, so be realistic.

So, we counted to five - that's quite long enough.

It took a few goes, Trakehners are very, very clever, so holding a carrot at his ribs was an invitation to simply reverse to get the treat.

The idea, is to ask your horse to stretch his nose to his ribs (both sides equally of course), to stretch toward his back foot, as you can see Henry doing below and above.

BUT, after a few goes, we were cooking with gas.


Be gentle, and be realistic with your horse, don't get too excited and over do it, you might have a stiff horse in the morning. ask your horse to stretch his nose in the air, Tom was brilliant, Henry not so much. 

So we opted for lots of repetition with 5 counts of hold.  This loosened them up, and allowed them to become accustomed to the idea.


it was so much fun, give it a go.



...we even tried a between the legs, be careful with this though, if you ask too much they start to buckle at the knee to achieve stretch.  over time, i'm hoping this will be easier.


 week, after a little every day, we might progress to counts to 10 and do the next stage, leg stretches.  tune-in.

Monday, 2 February 2015

hello there......'s February already....
what happened to January?

Anyway, for those of you who have missed us, here are a few shots of Tom and Henry in the winter mud, but still looking extremely gorgeous.

...what are we up to?  keeping mud at bay, battling strong winds and terrible weather generally.