Monday, 22 December 2014

Happy Christmas


....from the boys here in the sticks, we wish you all a happy holiday, be safe xx

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Friday, 24 October 2014

Friday, 1 August 2014

summertime sunsets...

...did you see the sunset last night?
yep, more lovely photos of Tom & Henry x

Thursday, 31 July 2014's summertime...

...and a relaxed attitude is key..

Here at WW we've been taking things easy and spending quality time together.  Just the close proximity of the boys, calms and relaxes me.  They are my medicine.  I love them so much., todays post is dedicated to nice pictures of Tom and Henry, what more could anyone need?

Thursday, 17 July 2014


oh, them ponies...
it's been quiet around here, too hot to ride often, and lots to do around the place.  hedgerimming to name but one.
Tom & Henry are both very well, looking good and eating lots of grass.  their diets seem to be working and Tom's girth is much easier to do-up now - which is a scientific measurement of weight-loss.
the fields are still green, and very soon harvest time will bring out all the huge farm machinery.  and tractors will converge in our lane, and work all night too.