...and how a good idea was a lesson in hoof care...
Steve was ill, so rather than force him to shoe the boys regardless I took this as an opportunity to see how the boys would fare barefoot. Early on they seemed fine, likely because the weather was dry constantly,but since the heavy rain, and subsequent hoof wall changes due to the environment, all has not been easy. Tom and Henry are sore, and I can't bear it.
Some advice has been, that it's inevitable for your horse to have this sore period before he's used to being barefoot, but it breaks my heart every-time I see, particularly Henry, tip-toeing across the rough part of my yard. Another thing barefoot people tell you about, multiple terrains, rough and smooth, but I can't do it anymore and suspect Tom & Henry can't wait until Steve's van comes rattling down the driveway so they can have steel shoes nailed to their feet, sounds so antiquated doesn't it? But anyone who watches their horses struggling with being barefoot, and has a heart, will understand why, your farrier and his furnace are your friend.
Steve is cool, he'll undoubtedly give me the 'told you so' eye roll, with back up from John, but I needed to know didn't I? And now I do. Tom and Henry need shoes.
Tom and Henry had hoof-boots on yeasterday, plonky and undignified they do a good job, but constant waering and movement rub around the bulbs of their feet and their fetlock. so not a permanent option.
Suffice it to say I called Steve again today, wished him ok and literally begged him to come and shoe them, thank you Steve.