Sunday, 28 April 2013

...the before and after....and after that too...

...bathtime at WW...
This morning, as the boys were munching haylage in attempt to regulate their grass intake i jumped at the opportunity...well the sun was hot and I just couldn't resist.

Tom & Henry had come out of winter looking incredible but grubby.   

Their coats coming out thick and fast and crying out for a great hose-down. 
Happily John was available as official blog-photographer, and these are only a tip of the iceberg of photos he took. 


Enjoy, the cats did, though I'm pretty certain they were just happy it wasn't them at the wet end of the hose!

So here are the before shots:

...the after shots....

...and the what happened after that shots.....

Thursday, 18 April 2013's Spring!

...spring-clean your horse:
Now its warmer, you can get out and spend time grooming your horse.  Not only is this lots of fun, but it's good for his health and the bond between you  both.

It's warm enough to take gloves off too, and feel every inch of his body too, carefully run your hands all over him, to detect any cuts or bumps he's accumulated during the winter and hidden by a thick coat, and layers of mud.

Use consecutively softer bristles of brushes for a really good shiny effect.

Fingers crossed we have some hot days, Tom & Henry are crying out for a good bath!

It wont be long until we're preoccupied with fly repellant and dry's hoping!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

...happy birthday to you...

...happy birthday darling Tom...

 ....happy birthday Tombiz.  Gorgeous and sleek, Mr Tom doesn't easily get ruffled, he floats through life wonderfully.

Happy Birthday xx 

Monday, 8 April 2013

...and there's more... know they love the grass, but more than that, they love a gallop...

    Tom & Henry

Saturday, 6 April 2013


...springtime for Tom & Henry:
grab your tea, this is going to be good x